Cliff Custom Swedish Massage

Combining the healing power of touch, this deeply relaxing massage uses smooth stroking movements with light to medium pressure to enable an increase in lymphatic circulation and balance energy meridians in the body. Choose from the following sequences using one of our signature botanical oils:

  • Destress with Rose & Lavender
  • Muscle relaxation with Rosemary & Arnica
  • Pregnancy massage with Superseed Oil

25 mins | €65
45 mins | €95
55 mins | €115

Hot Stone Massage

Applying the soothing benefits of heated stones, our Hot Stone Massage helps relieve tension, reduces stress, and promotes restorative sleep, essential for overall well-being.

40 mins | €95
70 mins | €140

Cliff House Refresher

Pamper your skin with a revitalising exfoliation, followed by a hydrating moisturiser, leaving it soft, refreshed, and renewed.

35 mins | €75

Aroma Reflex Massage

A truly invigorating treatment, our Aroma Reflex Massage helps in soothing the senses and inducing sleep. Working in synergy with 21 key reflex points, it aids in boosting the immune systems and maintaining hormone balance.

55 mins | €100

The Well Escape

A full-body treatment designed to unclog pores and stimulate circulation, this experience begins with an exfoliating brush, followed by a relaxing massage.

80 mins | €150

The Well by the Sea Grounding Ritual

Indulge your senses in sheer delight with The Well by the Sea Grounding Ritual. This sensory journey begins with a seaweed and salt foot soak, while the mind drifts into a blissful reverie, guided by meditative breathing. Nutrient-rich peat is applied to the back, as you savour a lower leg and foot massage, with a nourishing blend of oils.

50 mins | €100*

*Add on a 30-minute outdoor peat bath as a part of this treatment at an additional €40.

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